We’re ready for .it are you?

A new domain hits the 123-reg systems very soon, yet it’s strangely familiar. The .it extension is coming soon to…

Tim Fuell

Is your site safe for Christmas shoppers?

These days, people are spending more time online and logged in. They are also communicating much more than just their…

Alexandra Gavril

2012 Google updates: What were the major updates in SEO?

SEO is such an unpredictable domain, constantly changing and putting the website owners’ patience to the test. The optimisation techniques…

Alexandra Gavril

Getting the most from a Google AdWords campaign – 6 Top Tips

If you are about to spend money on Google AdWords then it is important that you also look holistically at…

Tim Fuell

What’s so great about an online website builder?

I remember when I first started with my own website.  I hardly knew any code so how was I supposed…

Alexandra Gavril

Six top tips for those thinking of starting out in business

As you may have noticed, last week the 123-reg team were at The Business Show in London Olympia and it…

Tim Fuell

SEO for articles: How to optimise your WordPress blog posts

If content is King, then we can say that SEO is Queen (most of the times, a drama Queen). Everyone…

Alexandra Gavril

Where to find free fonts to jazz up your site

If you’re looking to jazz up your site and want to know where to find free fonts or how to…

Alexandra Gavril

Let’s talk about .SX!

Great domain names are hard to find so when a catchy new domain extension becomes available, you need to get…

Alexandra Gavril

How to gain trust with links

SEO is not a set-it-and-forget it process. You can’t just work a few hours on your on-page SEO and then…

Alexandra Gavril