Have your Holiday wits about you

News recently that the European Commission wants to cut mobile phone overseas roaming charges has highlighted another modern phenomena. The…

Tim Fuell

Are you .XXX cited?

It's the nexxxt big thing and one of the biggest talking points in the hosting industry for years. This week…

123 Reg

Email – report of its death is greatly exaggerated

Admit it, your email inbox is cluttered with folders, messages and half-finished tasks. As much as email has made our…

Tim Fuell

Remember this: Google makes us remember differently

We all know the internet has changed the way we do things, but a new study from a Psychologist at…

123 Reg

It’s the Doctor, Who tries Facebook rentals

We'd like to take the praise for predicting earlier this week that online TV was soon to come to these…

123 Reg

TV moving online across the Atlantic

On the internet, death is just a word, it is not a status. Many a website has been left dormant, RSS…

Tim Fuell

New map shows broadband slow spots – but here are our best broadband tools

Communications regulator Ofcom has published a colourful online map showing the state of broadband in the UK. It shows broadband…


WordPress 3.2 upgrade: Impressive but not for older customers

WordPress 3.2 or 'Gershwin' as it has being titled, is here, with over 330,000 downloading  the upgrade in the first…

Tim Fuell

The future of media is online

News this week reaches us of world records being broken by a Norwegian online travel documentary, which suggests demand for…

Tim Fuell

Meet the 123-reg Blog Team

You probably know our first names, you may even have a feel for our voices, but we thought it was…

Tim Fuell