Goodbye Internet Explorer 6 your time is up…

With Google having announced it will no longer support IE6, is the end nigh for the browser that gave many…

Tim Fuell

Avoid Blog Fog

Blog Fog: writer's block for bloggers can affect even the most dedicated. 123-reg has six top tips to avoid Blog…

Tim Fuell

This is why you went to University

Sign up to our bargain student hosting package and get freebies galore.

Tim Fuell

Think before you Tweet

A tongue-in-cheek twitter search site is trying to raise awareness of being careful what information you let out into the…

Tim Fuell

How to do more with your hosting: install apps like WordPress and Joomla in just one click

A few months ago we added a new feature to our web hosting packages. It's called One-Click and it allows…


Here comes Google Buzz. What does it mean?

Another day, another announcement from Google. Seriously, does a week go by when the search giant doesn't unleash something new…


Top six ways to use our student hosting offer

You might have seen that we're running a great deal on hosting for students. You can get our Plus hosting…


Use Google Browser Size Tool to improve your web design

Web Design isn't easy. You've got to think about menu structure, page layout, colours, fonts and images. When setting out…

123 Reg

Have you seen our great student hosting offer?

We'd love to be at university. With the combination of cheap beer, late nights, even later mornings and about four…


Does it Matter Where Your Website is Hosted?

There's a bewildering array of things to consider when trying to optimise your website for search engines like Google. One…
