How to get more when you Search on Twitter

When it comes to search engines in 2009, most of the buzz has been around 'Twitter Search'.  Twitter allows you…

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Identify search trends using Google Insights for search

As a website owner, the chances are that you've thought long and hard about how to drive traffic to your…


Won’t be seeing .yu again

Interesting little domain name related story in The Guardian last week. The domain name extension .yu, the country code for…


Could TV advertising disappear altogether?

Working in the online industry, it's easy to forget how new this internet thing is. Five years ago, the amount…


Six reasons you should be on Twitter

This week we're taking a look at Twitter. Yesterday we gave six reasons it's a complete waste of time. Today,…


Six reasons why Twitter is a waste of time

As it goes, we're pretty big fans of Twitter. But this week, we've decided to put the case for and…


How to find search engine romance – hot tips to improve your search engine ranking

Every website needs to woo search engines like Google and Yahoo. But forget boxes of chocolates, flowers and expensive dinner…

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Al Gore vs Mikhail Gorbachev – and other domain name news

It's a while since we rounded up recent domain name news for you. So here goes. First, a couple of…


Microsoft Office is coming to your web browser

Last week it was Google deciding to create its own operating system. This week it's Microsoft making the big announcement:…


Ready for a sweet treat? We now tweet!

Unless you’ve been paying zero attention to the newspapers, TV and web over the last few months, you must’ve heard…

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