Google Analytics and your bounce rate data

I'm sure a lot of you have signed up for Google Analytics. It is a powerful and easy to use…

123 Reg

New balls please!

One of the interesting (for strange people like me anyway) things about search marketing is how seasonality has such a large impact…

123 Reg

Plan your website – Basics to get you started

You have your domain name, hosting package and design software and are ready to create your own website but are…

123 Reg

Search engine pay per click guide – Part 2: Keywords

Hopefully part one of this guide helped you to set up your account and gain an idea of the basics…

123 Reg

This week I have been mostly reading…

Below is a selection of the blogs I regularly read to keep up to date with the latest on search…

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Your domain name and SEO

One of the curses of working in online marketing is that you can’t enjoy a website for it’s own sake,…

123 Reg

Why isn’t your business blogging?

Research and new media company e-Consultancy has produced a list of 12 Reasons why businesses aren't blogging. Chris Lake doesn't…

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Don’t click here!

I've been helping staff around the office with our new blog toy and something that's cropped up is the way…

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Problems with 123-reg May newsletter links

Apologies to all of you who are having problems with the links in our latest 123-reg May newsletter. We are unfortunately…

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There goes another bank holiday

Ho hum, it whizzed by. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, despite all the rain. Just a reminder that we're running…

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