Ten best productivity apps for small business owners

When you run a small business, you’re often pulled in several directions all at once. Not only are you in…

Alexandra Gavril

Five strategies for choosing your ecommerce niche

Your dream of running a thriving ecommerce business starts with choosing the right niche and figuring out what to sell.…

Alexandra Gavril

Six steps to building a community for your non-profit

Every non-profit has an audience. But there’s a huge difference between an audience and a community. An audience is one-way.…

Alexandra Gavril

Six post-purchase emails to turn customers into raving fans

In a perfect world, customers would buy your products and fall in love with them and your brand. They’d write…

Alexandra Gavril

Six common mistakes you’re making on your About page (and how to fix them)

Before buying a product or a service from a new business, do you check who they are? Do you care…

Alexandra Gavril

Eight common video marketing mistakes to avoid

Video marketing is hugely popular and if you put some effort into it, it can yield incredible results for your…

Alexandra Gavril

Four simple technique to help position yourself as an authority in your industry

It’s no surprise that most small business owners struggle with getting their marketing messages heard by the right audience when…

Alexandra Gavril

Six tips to write compelling product descriptions that sell

It’s such a common mistake. Even professionals make it sometimes: writing product descriptions that simply describe the products and outline…

Alexandra Gavril

Five ways to build an email list for your non-profit

What could you do with an email list? Boost donations? Entice more people to volunteer? Raise more awareness for your…

Alexandra Gavril

How to create an editorial calendar for your blog

“What am I going to write about today?” How many times have you sat down in front of a blank…

Alexandra Gavril