8 funding options to consider for your new small business

One common battle the budding entrepreneur has to face is finding the funds to get their business dreams off the…

Janah Jackman

Life is what you make of it: An Interview with Theo Paphitis

Theo Paphitis has helped thousands of businesses to grow and succeed. From offering advice on social media to giving huge…

Thomas Costello

The simple guide to getting started with A/B testing

Should your call to action (CTA) say "Find out more" or "Click here for more info"? If you run a…

Alexandra Gavril

Why isn’t my new online business getting any customers?

The top two complaints after starting a new website? Why am I not getting traffic? and Why am I not…

Alexandra Gavril

Our ‘Do it Digital’ pledge to help small businesses in 2017

This year, an important campaign has been set up to help small businesses get to grips with digital technologies. Do…

Thomas Costello

What we learnt at Startup2017

In January 123 Reg sponsored Enterprise Nation’s flagship event StartUp2017. The event brought together over 1,000 small businesses to the…

Thomas Costello

Why (and how) blog comments can still benefit your marketing and SEO

While blogging is a fantastic way to share information about your business and industry, to educate your audience and build…

Alexandra Gavril

How email marketing can build a bridge between a small business and its customers

Do your customers love hearing from you? It's a big question and one that can be crucial to your sales.…

Will Stevens

A Beginner’s Guide to Crafting Title Tags and Meta Descriptions that Get Clicks

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions let search engines and users know what your website is about. This Metadata describes the…

Alexandra Gavril

Everything you need to know about Facebook Live and how it can help your business

Live video is slowly being incorporated into many of the major social media channels, from Twitter’s Periscope to Instagram Live.…

Janah Jackman