Shellshock Bash bug attack: what do you need to do?

On Wednesday 24th September, 2014, The Red Hat security group released an important vulnerability announcement for bash. The security flaw,…

Thomas Costello

How to spot and avoid bad SEO agencies

There are just too many small businesses out there that are getting swindled by search engine optimisation (SEO) agencies that…

Alexandra Gavril

15 must-read small biz articles for September

As a small business owner, staying up-to-date with the latest on content marketing, social media, search engine optimisation (SEO) and…

Alexandra Gavril

Great .scot ! A highland domain

The latest new gTLD to hit the market is the Scotland promoting .scot domain and is somewhat different from the stream of…

Tim Fuell

Social credibility: What is it and why you need it

Even if you are least ego-driven person in the world, how others perceive you is one the most important elements…

Tim Fuell

6 Ted Talks to inspire better working practices

Better working practices mean better productivity, mean less stress and more profit. Why wouldn't you want to find out how…

Tim Fuell

Starting your own business – Part 3: Discipline

In the third in a series of posts, Polemic Digital founder Barry Adams looks at some of the biggest issues…

123 Reg

Email marketing tactics that are wasting your time (and what to do instead)

Are you sure your marketing emails aren’t making your subscribers cringe? With subscribers receiving 416 commercial messages a month, are…

Alexandra Gavril

Digital High Street: An infographic

The wealth of new gTLDs means the Digital High Street is definitely here. The very same shops, businesses and services…

Tim Fuell

Social media – It’s not rocket science

If you are yet to be converted to the wonders of social media, don't worry you are not alone. Whether…

Tim Fuell