Selecting the right delivery methods

Your online shop software enables you to offer your customers a very wide range of delivery methods. But how do…

Tim Fuell

Product photos: Avoiding common mistakes

Do you photograph products yourself? A fair bit of work, but well worth the effort. Get the most out of…

Tim Fuell

The perfect product page

To buy or not to buy? This will be the question most asked by your potential customers when they see…

Tim Fuell

Monitoring customer satisfaction for beginners

How certain are you that you know what your customers want, need and demand from the service you provide? If…

Alexandra Gavril

Swift Six: Get more clicks on your AdWords ads

In the latest Swift Six, I'll be explaining six ways you can make sure your AdWords ads get as many…

Nick Leech

The Apprentice – Your future: Investing in tomorrow

Do you often need an extra pair of hands? Can't afford or justify a full time extra member of staff?…

Tim Fuell

Starting your own business – Part 2: The basics

In the second in a series of posts, search engine optimisation (SEO) consultant Barry Adams explains the decisions he faced…

123 Reg

How to stop your business logo from being hijacked

As a small business you know the importance of proper search engine optimisation (SEO). You’re probably hard at work every…

Alexandra Gavril

How (and why) to market to your existing customers

Did you know that it costs up to seven times more to acquire a new customer than it does to…

Alexandra Gavril

What is Google Pigeon and how will it impact local businesses?

On 24 July, news hit that Google had made changes to its local ranking algorithm. While there was no official…

Alexandra Gavril