The benefits of a professional email address

Despite billions of people using several social media platforms, 83% of global consumers still prefer email to communicate with businesses. But it’s not just with businesses that people prefer to communicate via email. It’s also with potential clients, employers, partners, investors and many more.

Let’s face it: email is how just about everyone communicates. That’s why it’s imperative to have a professional email address.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a business owner, a professional taking the first steps to building a brand, or a job-seeker looking for new opportunities. You need an email address that tells the world you’re serious about what you do.

What exactly is a professional email address?

A professional email address is a custom address that uses your domain name after the @ symbol, such as you@example.co.uk.

How do you get one? Easy. With our new Email Starter, you can get access to a custom email address from just 99p a month. This allows you to use a unique and memorable address to send and receive emails on all your devices at any time wherever you are.

Don’t have a domain name yet? You can search for a domain name here. If you have a domain with another provider, you may want to transfer it to 123 Reg so you can manage all your products in one place. Domain name transfers are free for selected extensions. 

The benefits of using a professional email address

There are lots of reasons why using a professional email is vital, but here are the most important ones.

Make a great first impression

Say you’re a freelancer looking to attract your first clients. A potential client wants to reach out to you via email to enquire about a potential collaboration.

Does your email address help to make a great first impression? Does it send the signal that you’re a professional or does it raise doubts and make potential clients reconsider and resume their search for another freelancer?

Your professionalism is reflected in your email address, which is why we’d recommend using a branded email that tells people that you’re serious about what you do.

Brings instant credibility and trust

Would you consider replying to (or even opening) an email that comes from a random address like ralfg.xtension1999@gmail.com? Probably not. You’d likely be afraid to open it and immediately delete it or mark it as spam.

Would you be as suspicious if you were to receive an email from john@webdesigner.co.uk? Probably not. Why? Because it stands out from the crowd, it’s unique and memorable. It also provides a sense of security and reassurance that the sender is legitimate.

So, whether you’re applying for your dream job or building your portfolio online, a professional email helps to bring instant credibility to your name and brand as well as trust by those on the receiving end.

Promotes brand awareness

One of the best benefits of using a custom email address is that every time you send an email, you’re promoting your own brand instead of someone else’s.

So, start small because the truth is you don’t have to be a large company to build your brand. You also don’t need big advertising budgets. All you need to get started is a professional email address that’s unique and memorable.

Keeps you out of spam filters

Another great thing about having your own unique address is that it can help keep you out of spam filters.

When you use a free service to send emails, you can get flagged for spam, especially if you have a suspicious address that doesn’t relate to a verified domain name. What’s more, recruiters or potential clients may flag your email for spam just because they don’t recognise your email.

So, to help prevent that from happening, use a custom email address that matches your domain name.

It’s inexpensive… and easy

With 123 Reg Email Starter, you can set up a professional email address with minimal effort. For as little as 99p a month, you get an ad-free, custom address that matches your domain name.

You’ll be able to access it easily via our webmail interface or have your email downloaded onto your phone or mail client like Outlook.

If you need more storage as your business grows, you can upgrade to the Pro package for as little as £3.49 a month.

Looking for a full productivity package? Try Microsoft 365. You get everything from our Pro email hosting plan and the full Microsoft 365 suite from just £7.99 a month.

In conclusion

There are lots of benefits to using a custom email address. It’s not just about sending and receiving emails but about building credibility and trust, and promoting your own brand instead of someone else’s. So, when deciding between a free webmail and a custom email, ask yourself what impression you want to promote to the outside world.

Will Stevens:
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