The #uktour update

The 123-reg #uktour took a little breather today with our first seminar of the tour at the picturesque Newcastle Racecourse – a fine venue for a fine morning  and early afternoon of business tips, insight and advice from our panel of speakers.

Kicking off proceedings Group Marketing Director Nick Leech introducing the merits and simplicity of the new .uk domain name. Swiftly followed by yours truly talking about the importance of building social media into your business and how to integrate that. Nick returned with his Marketing for next to no money presentation, followed by Barney Grossman explaining the importance of conversion and making your visitors buy from you.

We were privileged to be graced with the presence of Enterprise Lab’s & Rockstar’s Ketan Makwana as guest speaker who delivered an insight into sales psychology for those selling their services and products online. With a fantastic networking session afterwards, with 1-2-1 questions and discussions it was clear that those attending found plenty to inform, entertain and also stimulate their current or future business projects.

Getting your business online and getting it right is so important in the current economic climate and insight from those in the know with proven insight they are willing to share, offers a great springboard for businesses however large or small.

The #uktour continues with our campervan already on the road down to Leeds where tomorrow morning our knowledgeable team bolstered by serial networker and author Stefan Thomas will be talking to another group of lucky people. If you have not yet grabbed your spot, there are a few spaces left so email now to marketing@123-reg.co.uk to book a space.

If you missed Newcastle and can’t make Leeds, then we hit Cardiff next Wednesday 6th August and then London on 11th August. Again a handful of spaces are still available so email if you would like to attend.

Alongside our seminar events keep track of our campervan’s travels via the hashtag #uktour on Twitter.

If you have attended our events we’d also value your feedback too, so don’t forget to stay in touch.

Tim Fuell: Tim Fuell is a former investigative journalist and qualified lawyer, turned social media fanatic who now oversees the 123-reg blog. After writing his Masters thesis on the topic of cybersquatting back in 1998, he has seen the internet develop before his eyes from dial-up bulletin boards to the beast it is today. You can find Tim on Google+
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