Categories: Business

Why a Business Email matters more than ever

In a recent survey, we asked 1,000 email users how they viewed the significance of email as a tool for business communication. Additionally, 123-reg asked respondents how they viewed the importance of a business email address.

The survey was commissioned to look at whether email users recognised the importance of a business email because those businesses who do not have an email that is associated with their domain name are putting themselves at a major disadvantage.

Despite the rise of social media, email still is the most important channel that a business has to communicate with its customer base. A professional email is vital; however our survey shows that people are not valuing the importance of this. Consumers now expect a professional domain led email address and those businesses who do not offer this will be perceived as unprofessional. In such difficult times, businesses must make their first impressions count.

So what do the stats say?

  • 55-64 year olds most understood the important of a business email
  • Fewer than 50% of respondents understood that professional email was important
  • 62% of respondents saw email as important for businesses
  • Email offers the second best ROI behind SEO

Our survey shows that email is the lifeblood of a business. Consumers need to feel assured that the company they are choosing is both professional and trustworthy. Business emails are highly cost effective, and show a business in its best light.

Email has risen to become the most important form of communication for businesses in the UK today. However, despite this rise in the ease of communications, there is no getting away from the fact that times are tough for small businesses and since the global recession in 2008, SMEs have struggled as the demand for goods has decreased along with banks tightening the reins on credit.  This makes a business email for a small business all the more important.

123-reg offers a business email solution, at an affordable cost. As 123-reg is specifically aimed at start-up businesses, it is important to offer a business email solution that can help a business’s productivity but also save time. The professional email service from 123-reg allows users to get everything needed to run a small businesses. To learn more about our packages, head over to: https://www.123-reg.co.uk/email-hosting/.

Thomas Costello:
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