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Articles for the 'Domains' Category

How Google handles new gTLDs

By Alexandra Gavril - August 11, 2015

There’s been much chatter about how Google would treat new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) like .guru, .xyz or .ai. Will Google be looking at the end of a domain to give a...

Proud to do business in .wales

By Tim Fuell - January 20, 2015

A domain about history, heritage and place reaches general release later this year and is set to have one of the most loyal and proud followings ever of an internet domain name...

The Destination domain: .xyz

By Tim Fuell - December 9, 2014

Did you know that the .xyz domain could have a psychological advantage over others, as our brain is pre-programmed to understand XYZ as a combination of authority? Here are three reasons why a .xyz...

Start-up domain offers start-up solution

By Tim Fuell - November 11, 2014

Still in the hunt for that killer .com address? Frustrated by the lack of availability in traditional domain extensions? One of the biggest benefits of the new wave of gTLDs is the...