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Articles for the 'Online marketing' Category

Don’t get lost in Geo-location

By Tim Fuell - October 20, 2011

FourSquare, Gowalla, Facebook Places: What you are doing when and where is what smartphones appear to have been designed for. Even Twitter lets you search for tweets sent locally – location is...

Ignore social media at your peril

By Tim Fuell - June 14, 2011

In traditional business would you hand your rival a clear advantage by ignoring a route to market? A new report from office and business service specialists Regus suggests by ignoring social media...

How to grow overseas with the help of Google

By Nick Leech - May 18, 2011

Selling overseas is not easy. You need to identify the right market; create localised versions of your website; change your ads so they appeal to locals; create localised distribution; and find out...

How Microsoft misjudged the Twitter sell

By Tim Fuell - March 15, 2011

We’ve blogged about individual bloopers in the Twittersphere before, but this week even one of the world’s biggest names in IT forgot the adage to ‘think before you tweet’. While the world news...

Why AdSense makes sense

By Tim Fuell - January 20, 2011

If you have a portfolio of dormant domains and are not yet putting them to use with our 123-reg Parking scheme you may consider spending a few hours of your time developing...

Tweak your traffic

By Tim Fuell - January 4, 2011

Image: jscreationzs / FreeDigitalPhotos.net So 2011 is here and the internet is set to play a more important role in business success than ever before. Economics and customers desire for interactivity mean that...