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Articles for the 'Search engines' Category

The hot topics of 2007: Google Zeitgeist

By John - December 17, 2007

The end of 2007 is just round the corner now, so we’re entering the time of the year that’s crammed with reviews of the last twelve months. One of the more interesting is...

Monkey shine on tree – Part 2

By 123 Reg - December 5, 2007

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting to get ranked that high in such a short space of time (123-reg is #1 and WebFusion is #2). It’s worth noting that there aren’t any...

Monkey shine on tree

By 123 Reg - December 4, 2007

Monkey Shine on tree I want to do a test to show how important different elements of a site are when it comes to getting ranked in Google’s natural listings. To do this,...

Handy SEO analyser

By 123 Reg - August 30, 2007

I’ve stumbled across a handy little website analyser called The Reaction Engine, which is worth checking out if you look after a website and are tasked with getting better search engine results. It’s...