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Articles for the 'Search engines' Category

Why You Need to Get to Grips with Google+ Local

By 123 Reg - June 28, 2012

You’ve heard all the furore about Google’s (relatively) new social platform, your online marketing manager or agency has explained the implications for search, and your business now has a page on the...

The majority don’t understand search

By Tim Fuell - May 8, 2012

Search Engine Optimisation is probably the biggest investment you can make in tweaking your website but if you needed proof that it isn’t a magic wand, take a look at the top...

The UK is watching

By Tim Fuell - January 12, 2012

Whether it was people trying to overcome party hangovers or kids finishing school in the middle of the month, YouTube is celebrating December 2011 as its busiest month of traffic ever. According to...

SEO direct tips from Bing

By Tim Fuell - September 8, 2011

However good your SEO, the key aim is always to get a higher listing in search engine directories. So when one of those search engines shares tips on optimising your site for...

Top six killer SEO tips for your website

By John - August 30, 2011

Over the years we’ve covered the art of search engine optimisation (SEO)  here in some detail. From understanding what search engine optimisation is to creating content which attracts lots of links, we...

Google ringing the changes

By Tim Fuell - August 25, 2011

Back at the end of July, Google announced  via the Official Google Blog, that they were winding down Google Labs, the place where embryonic ideas of the past have been allowed space...

Why SEO words also means pictures

By Alexandra Gavril - August 2, 2011

The importance of labelling your images correctly for SEO purposes Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net We publish articles on blogs to build authority and find search engine delight. We spend lots of time researching to...