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Articles for the 'Search engines' Category

Does Google PLUS really add to our world?

By Tim Fuell - June 29, 2011

It looks like Facebook. It’s blurb sounds like Facebook. If you got up close, it probably even smell’s like Facebook, but this is Google entering the social networking arena…again. A select band of...

Content is still king – more or less…

By Tim Fuell - June 9, 2011

We’ve featured video here before from Matt Cutts and this contribution on the Google Webmaster Central YouTube account is well worth viewing. Understanding how Google indexes and ranks has got to be easier...

Google’s Social invite

By Tim Fuell - April 26, 2011

You know how sometimes you get an invite to a party where the person extends the invite you and a guest by using the “+1” suffix? Well Google has brought the concept...

Google’s latest goodies

By Tim Fuell - April 13, 2011

Those lads and lasses at Google labs are a clever bunch and they’ve recently rolled-out a couple of new useful tools to make web surfing more enjoyable and seamless. Here’s what the Google...

Google’s moderating revealed

By Tim Fuell - February 24, 2011

While Google remains one of the most sophisticated ‘automated’ search engines around it still has a crack commando team of human experts checking content is suitable and meets its guidelines and dealing...

Making the most of Twitter

By Tim Fuell - October 28, 2010

So you’ve got yourself on Twitter. You are communicating two-way with customers and potential customers and seeing some benefit, but are you making the most of Twitter? Here’s three tools you should be...

How has Google Instant affected PPC?

By Nick Leech - October 8, 2010

A few weeks Google revealed what many in the search engine community have called a revolution. Google Instant displays the complete search results as you type; ads & organics – the lot. There...