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Articles for the 'SEO' Category

Content is King and Images can be viral

By Tim Fuell - July 9, 2012

Since Google Penguin at the end of April, the old adage of “Content is King” has taken a whole new giant step. The new ranking algorithm changes sees websites who publish lots of...

Authority means top rankings

By Alexandra Gavril - July 2, 2012

Trust builds trust and trust builds authority. Authority is an important factor that helps rise up the rankings, which means that, in terms of SEO, authority has a positive influence on search...

The majority don’t understand search

By Tim Fuell - May 8, 2012

Search Engine Optimisation is probably the biggest investment you can make in tweaking your website but if you needed proof that it isn’t a magic wand, take a look at the top...

SEO direct tips from Bing

By Tim Fuell - September 8, 2011

However good your SEO, the key aim is always to get a higher listing in search engine directories. So when one of those search engines shares tips on optimising your site for...

Why SEO words also means pictures

By Alexandra Gavril - August 2, 2011

The importance of labelling your images correctly for SEO purposes Image: digitalart / FreeDigitalPhotos.net We publish articles on blogs to build authority and find search engine delight. We spend lots of time researching to...