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Articles for the 'Tips & tutorials' Category

Top 123-reg support queries

By John - November 22, 2010

Our support team deals with a whole variety of questions from customers. We’ve probably covered every conceivable query at some point, from changing where a domain name points and managing web hosting to...

Making the most of Twitter

By Tim Fuell - October 28, 2010

So you’ve got yourself on Twitter. You are communicating two-way with customers and potential customers and seeing some benefit, but are you making the most of Twitter? Here’s three tools you should be...

Who k-new?

By Tim Fuell - September 24, 2010

Keeping up to date with Google’s latest developments, tweaks and introductions could almost be a full-time job. The Google development labs across the world is an ever expanding team, launching and improving...

Avoid Blog Fog

By Tim Fuell - February 24, 2010

In days gone by, even the greatest print journalists suffered writer’s block and the same can affect online writers too. Blogger’s block or Blog Fog has been around almost as long as...

How to get more when you Search on Twitter

By 123 Reg - October 28, 2009

When it comes to search engines in 2009, most of the buzz has been around ‘Twitter Search’.  Twitter allows you to search for what people are talking about in ‘real time’. Both Google...