Six tips for helping others
If you are reading this then the chances you are fairly computer savvy if not expert. What that also probably means is that any older members of your family and extended family...
If you are reading this then the chances you are fairly computer savvy if not expert. What that also probably means is that any older members of your family and extended family...
The exciting, fast-moving world of social media can also be a complete and utter minefield if you’re not careful. Plenty of companies have found this out to their cost, having failed to observe...
One more sleeps as the kids around here (big and little) appear to want to tell everybody. Yes, today is Christmas Eve, the day before the most exciting day of the year...
Hands-up straight away, we’ve been meaning to write this for ages, but put it off. As the year draws to an end it is perhaps time to look at procrastination, the ‘thief of...
We have to admit, even we get carried away with posts about Twitter, Facebook and apps like WordPress. They are the main social media tools, that even your gran might be using...
According to Apple, you can get hundreds of thousands of apps for your iPhone. And there are tens of thousands of titles available if you have a mobile phone which uses Google’s...
You can’t move for well-meaning security advice. For the basics, we recommend checking out Get Safe Online, PC Advisor’s Security Bible – plus Microsoft’s advice. And to keep you on the right track,...
Whether you’re a pro web designer building websites for clients, or you’re just starting out with the 123-reg Instantsite website building tool, there are some great free resources out there to help...
In days gone by, even the greatest print journalists suffered writer’s block and the same can affect online writers too. Blogger’s block or Blog Fog has been around almost as long as...
You might have seen that we’re running a great deal on hosting for students. You can get our Plus hosting package, a .info domain name and free access to lots of industry-standard...