Tell us your #SmallBizProblems for a chance to win a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 plus 22 Website Builder packages + 22 free .com domains!
Setting up and running a business is hard. That’s why we’ve made it incredibly easy to build your own website.
But we know the trouble doesn’t stop there. That’s why we want to hear all about your #SmallBizProblems.
Whether it’s your cat walking on your keyboard when you work from home, or building a fanbase on Twitter – just Tweet @123reg or post on our using #SmallBizProblems and you’ll be entered into our daily competition to win a Website Builder Business+ package including a free .com!
It’s a skill competition, we’ll judge the best tweets at the end of each weekday until 11th of February, and then let you know the winner the following day. On the 12th of February we’ll let you know who is our overall winner!
We’ll always give bonus points to entries containing images or videos, and be sure to use the #SmallBizProblems tag when entering.
Good luck!
Here’s the legal stuff.
-Clients will be entered into each daily prize draw (Monday to Friday) until February 11th 2016.
-This prize draw is not open to employees (or their immediate family members) of 123-reg or its associated brands.
-To take part in the prize draw, Clients will need to be resident in Great Britain. For the purposes of this promotion, Great Britain shall be England, Wales and Scotland.
-All Clients who enter the prize draw will need to be of the minimum entry age of eighteen (18) years old.
-The Clients will automatically be entered into the prize draw with a chance to win a Website Builder+ package only.
-The prize draw winner will be selected by our panel of judges and will be contacted on Twitter or Facebook the day after the judges’ decision.
-The Microsoft Surface Pro 4 only will be sent in the post to the prize winner’s selected postal address.
-123-reg’s selection of the prize winner is final and binding in all matters.
-The prize draw will commence on the 13th January.
-No purchase necessary.
-This Offer is subject to 123-reg’s terms and conditions.