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New developments in the photography domain – worth snapping up?

By Tim Fuell - March 4, 2014
Image courtesy of Patou -FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Patou -FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The first tranche of new gTLD launches to general availability appear to be focused on the creative sectors and in particular if you are in the Photography field there’s a wealth of opportunity to grab a clever and useful domain name. Whether you are a professional portrait photographer, a sports snapper or just an amateur camera enthusiast, there are now a number of new options in terms of domains to show off your portfolio or perhaps sell your services.

Develop a photo site

Thinking of showing off your skills? A .photography is a great catch-all with real specificity. A .photography domain name will immediately say what your online site is all about and perhaps even help you keep the prefix for the domain shorter and more snappy, as the suffix is already descriptive. Your portfolio, your business, anything photo-related, will work well with a .photography domain.

Display photographic expertise

If you want something a bit more focused then there are a range of choices with a photographic bent. Both .camera and .equipment offer a great opportunity for site about your photographic gear, or perhaps a new ecommerce online photographic shop. So too does .lighting if your site is more about the accessories than main gear. The .lighting and .graphics domain names also open up a new world for those with expertise in photography touch-up or are wizards on Photoshop, etc.

Showing off your snaps

With .gallery also now available, there is even scope to create personalised URLs for each part of your photograph portfolio, descriptive and clear, making them more likely to drive traffic, especially if your content is of a good standard. If you want to share your insight into taking good photographs too then a .tips may be of interest.

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The new wave of gTLDs is already developing the internet name game into a more imaginative and creative process and if you already have a head for great photography, your mind probably already works in a way that can exploit that. Get thinking and get searching. These new domains are available now and form part of our usual 123-reg domain search tool. It’s free to use and you may just discover the perfect URL to zoom your photography business into a different setting.

With the rise in social media we’ve never taken so many digital photographs. Facebook is already the largest photo storage space in the world, whilst Flickr, Pinterest or Instagram are fast catching up too. If you want to make your own work stand-out however, you need a dedicated online space and a personalised photography-related domain name is the perfect tool.

Have you grabbed a photographic domain? We’d love to hear how you are putting your new domain to use.