new gTLDS: A look behind the scenes….

The past couple of months have been a very exciting time for both the domain industry and 123-reg. The start of the year saw the launch of new gTLDs and just 5 months into this online revolution we are already starting to become very familiar with new domain endings.

We believe that gTLDs are going to very significant for businesses and that is why we have commissioned our first ever television advertising campaign promoting new gTLDs.

The campaign’s aim is to highlight the new and exciting possibilities of new gTLDs and demonstrate how businesses of any size can use these new unique domain names to better promote their brand.

The advert presents a highly powerful message. We took the word ‘dating’, and placed this generic term in front of differing new gTLDs, including, .london, .club, .pub and .xyz. Now, imagine your business name in front of one these new gTLDs and you can see our thinking behind this!

Great new gTLDs like .ninja

A tv commercial is great, but have you ever wondered how a TV commercial like this gets made? Here, we take you behind the scenes to show you how an initial concept develops and grows into a full television advert.

So if your business is considering a video campaign of any size, remember to use as much as the footage as you can. This way you can develop new and exciting pieces of content for your audiences to continue to engage with. If you’re not sure how to get started with making video, read our guide to low-budget video marketing.

3 great ways to re-use multimedia assets:

  1. Behind the scenes video: Before creating your video project, give some serious thought as to whether you can add a behind the footage. This could be as simple as filming yourself in meetings, making sketches or even presenting your project. Then create a short video of these clips to help keep the buzz going!
  2. Images: Make sure you keep all of your images throughout the project. Post these on Facebook and Twitter to help increase your viewing and engagement rates.
  3. Vine: Short and snappy content is what your audience wants. Why not create a vine video to engage your audience

So when you are at home and you see the 123-reg TV advert, think about how your business could invest in video. Remember, it isn’t just a 30 second video. The possibilities are endless…

Thomas Costello:
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