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14 Tools and Resources to Help Your Small Business Grow

By Will Stevens - October 19, 2022

When you’re a Self Starter you know that you’ve got to get things done. That means identifying the right tools to help you do a job and the right guides to help you understand what you need to achieve.

To help ease the pressure on you a bit, we’ve put together a list of some of the best small business tools and resources around. Whether you need to improve your website, or work more productively, there should be something for you on the list.

14 tools and resources to help your small business grow

Web design

  1. 123 Reg Website Builder
  2. Resource for starting a new website


  1. Resource for started with search engine optimisation (SEO)
  2. Resource for getting started with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  3. Tool for managing SEO and PPC
  4. Tool for monitoring your website’s visitors
  5. Resource for getting started with Google Analytics
  6. Tools for improving user experience (UX)
  7. Resource to learn more about UX
  8. Tool for email marketing
  9. Resource for getting started with email marketing


  1. Tool for social media automation
  2. Tool for collaboration and productivity
  3. Tool for staying focused

Web design

Whether it’s a spring clean, a new website or a complete redesign of an existing site, tackling web design can be a big task. These tools and resources should help make things easier.

1. 123 Reg Website Builder

Want to build your own website but don’t have any experience of web design? The 123 Reg Website Builder is easy and intuitive to use. You can also edit and update your site whenever you want.

2. Resource for starting a new website

Need some guidance on getting your new website up and running? This guide walks you through how to come up with a purpose for your website, how to start attracting visitors and everything in between. Learn how to successfully start a new website.

Bonus resource: This guide will help you source high-quality, low-cost images for your new website without breaking the bank.


Promoting your business is the only way you’re going to attract customers. The world of online marketing can feel overwhelming, but with the right resources you can start making progress quickly and easily.

3. Resource for started with search engine optimisation (SEO)

SEO is one of the building blocks of good online marketing. It sounds complicated, but at its heart, it’s all about giving people what they want. Here are six SEO tips for beginners.

4. Resource for getting started with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

Ever noticed those adverts on Google and wondered how your business can appear there? If so, then PPC advertising is your answer. Learn how to get started with PPC in this guide.

5. Tool for managing SEO and PPC

When you’re working on SEO and running PPC campaigns, you need all the help you can get. The 123 Reg Digital Marketing Suite will provide you with step-by-step instructions which can help improve your SEO. It also makes it quick and easy to set up and monitor PPC campaigns.

6. Tool for monitoring your website’s visitors

Want to know how many visitors your site gets? How people interact with your site? How long they stay on each page? If you get more sales through email marketing or social media? Then Google Analytics is the tool for you.

7. Resource for getting started with Google Analytics

Just in case you need a bit of extra help getting Google Analytics up and running on your site, we’ve put together this beginner’s guide to Google Analytics.

8. Tools for improving user experience (UX)

Google Analytics is great, but it can only tell you so much. Want to see exactly where on your site people are clicking? Try heatmap tool Crazy Egg. Bonus tool: Want to know what people think of your site? Try usertesting.com.

9. Resource to learn more about UX

UX is a complex area. If you want to make the most out of powerful UX tools, check out this guide to getting started on improving UX.

10. Tool for email marketing

If you’re not using email marketing, you’re missing out on potentially massive income stream. If it’s an area you want to explore, consider the GoDaddy Email Marketing tool.

11. Resource for getting started with email marketing

If you’re unsure about where to begin with email marketing, check out this beginner’s guide.


In business every second counts. That means if you can do something more efficiently, you’ll have more time to spend on your business and that means you’re more likely to succeed. These tools should help you do exactly that.

12. Tool for social media automation

Social media is a great way to promote your business, but it can be time consuming. A tool like Buffer can help you manage your social media quickly and easily.

13. Tool for collaboration and productivity

Microsoft 365 provides a huge range of productivity allowing you to do everything from word processing to creating presentations. If you need to do it, Microsoft 365 can help, and it can help you save time.

If you’re working in a team, it can also help you collaborate smoothly as it comes with messaging and video conference features, along with tools that make document sharing easy. Learn more about Microsoft 365 here.

14. Tool for staying focused

Do you find yourself surfing pointless websites when you should be working? Installing a browser plugin like Stay Focusd (Chrome) will let you block the sites you waste most time on and help you stay focused on the task in hand. Bonus tools: If you find you’re wasting time on your phone, consider installing a mobile app that does that same thing as Stay Focusd, such as Block Site (iPhone) or Rescue Time (Android).

Summing up

Using the right tools and resources can help make life as a Self Starter much easier. This ones listed above should give you a solid grounding when it comes to getting your business online and promoting it.

But there’s always more to learn. Check out our blog (and run a search if you need to) to dig into more topics. Or, if you need help with a particular 123 Reg tool, give us a ring on 0345 450 2310. Our team is waiting to help.
