Categories: MiscNews

Six articles to read before the month is out

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The best thing about the rise of content marketing is the sheer abundance of great writing, insight and tips available in an instant. That’s great if you know where to look. If not the worst thing about content marketing is that everybody – and their obligatory internet dog – is doing it, meaning there is more content out there than ever before an actually not all of it is very good. So how do you avoid wasting your time? Read only the best ones and to help you here are six from the many we’ve read this month:

60+ Epic Resources for Starting and Growing your Ecommerce Business
Sometimes only an epic list will do. The fantastic appeal of ecommerce is that within hours you can go from buying a domain to selling your wares online. However, although anybody can sell online, making a truly successful online shopping experience takes time, knowledge and insight. Think you are up to the challenge? Well this pretty comprehensive list of articles, resources and tools are a great place to start.

Older Generations Embrace Mobile As Local Shopping Companion
Do you think that smartphone interaction is only a thing for the younger generation? Well, according to this article you may have it all wrong. It includes some interesting statistics comparing Generation Y, Generation X, Young Boomers and Older Boomers and Senior users and suggests that all age groups shop on a smartphone. Well worth a read for anybody with a retail project in mind – whether online, offline or both.

How Gmail Happened: The Inside Story of Its Launch 10 Years Ago
Google’s free email service launched on Thursday 1st April 2004 and has gone on to take the market by storm. This is an insightful look at how it all came about, how many thought the April Fool’s Day launch made it a hoax and how the culture of email has changed in the past decade.

Firefox 29 is launched
Ten years ago Mozilla’s Firefox was launched as a faster & more secure alternative to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, in the footsteps of Netscape. Its personalisation options won the hearts of many, until the arrival of Google’s Chrome hit its user base hard. This article focuses on the new look and new features of the latest version but also has some nice background on the browser sector too.

What are the best social networks for marketeers? New 2014 research and trends
A series of findings backed with some infographics will help you understand what social media platforms may be your best focus in the coming year. Understanding how others are using social media networks is fundamental in understanding how you can get the best out of them for your own benefit.

Missing boy existed only on Facebook
As a final piece to read, this article simply highlights the potential dangers of trusting everything you see on the internet. When police rush headlong into a missing-person investigation without checking the reality, and blur the social world with the real world, you realise the impact the internet has on us all without us really knowing.

That’s just six across a wide range of subjects. Looking for more? Think about setting up a Google alert on topics that interest you. If you find a source that you like, subscribe to their RSS feed. Keep an eye on social media too. Some of the greatest articles will be very subject specific but links to these will usually be shared by experts in that field via social media. Oh and don’t forget to keep checking out the 123-reg Content Hub too.

Tim Fuell: Tim Fuell is a former investigative journalist and qualified lawyer, turned social media fanatic who now oversees the 123-reg blog. After writing his Masters thesis on the topic of cybersquatting back in 1998, he has seen the internet develop before his eyes from dial-up bulletin boards to the beast it is today. You can find Tim on Google+
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