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How pay-per-click advertising helps businesses grow

By Will Stevens - November 14, 2016

How do you boost sales for your online business? It’s a question you’ve probably asked yourself dozens of times at least.

But getting people to visit your website and then convert into customers can seem like a huge mountain to climb.

However, there are ways to attract high-quality leads to your site, and although there’s no magic solution to this problem, pay-per-click advertising (PPC) comes pretty close.

Daniel Naracci, director of rubber stamp business Stampit.co.uk turned to 123 Reg to help him with his PPC and the impact on his business has been hugely positive.

“The website has been launched for about eight months. At first we found it hard to get clicks on the website, it takes a while to climb Google,” Daniel said.

“Working with 123 Reg and AdWords, we found that there were instant hits and instant traffic to our website. Ultimately quite a large percentage convererted to sales as well. It’s been a massive boost in terms of getting our name out there.

“Using pay per click has enabled us to market specific products within our website. We’ve got our self-inking stamps and using key words like ‘self-inking stamps’ or ‘self-ink stamps’ has helped us bring customers to our products and identify them as what they require.”

He added: “It’s helped our business really grow. It’s helped our conversions as well. It’s driven quite a lot of traffic to the website as well, which we ultimately didn’t have before we started the pay per click campaign. It’s been a real positive towards the website and getting our name and brand out there.”

For new companies, PPC can be vital as it can drive traffic to a website straightaway. Whereas with search engine optimisation, you will have to wait before you start to see visitors arriving at you site.

As Daniel explained: ” It gives you instant recognition on Google, whereas if you did it all via SEO it would take a long time, essentially quite a few years and a lot of investment into SEO.

“[PPC] gives you instant hits on the website which ultimately convert into sales.

“I have found the service extremely good. I have found the 123 Reg service goes beyond just looking at marketing keywords. They have looked at my website and helped me to develop some strategies to make slight improvements to the website, which has also helped to increase sales.”

A good PPC campaign can boost businesses new and established. If you’re not using it, you really are missing out on one of the most powerful online marketing tools at your disposal.
