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What are PPC conversion rates

By Alexandra Gavril - May 16, 2019

Running a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign is hard work. You need to find relevant keywords, write and prepare compelling ads, target the right audience, decide on budgets and bids. It takes time, effort and...

Join 123 Reg at the Business Show

By 123 Reg - May 10, 2019

Are you planning to launch a new business? Or perhaps you’re looking to find new, innovative ways to expand an existing business? Whether you’re a prospective business owner, beginner or experienced entrepreneur, come...

Five ways to promote a new online shop

By Alexandra Gavril - April 12, 2019

For every business owner who’s just getting started with selling products online, there is one theme that’s constantly running through their strategy sessions: how to promote a new online shop and get...