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How to optimise images for search engines

By Alexandra Gavril - August 31, 2015

You’re already optimising your site for search engines. You’re researching keywords and optimising everything from meta description to copy. (If you’re not doing these things, then check out our guide on vital...

Six jobs only the boss of a small business can do

By Nick Leech - August 27, 2015

Nick Leech, group director digital at 123-reg Disclaimer: In this post when I say “boss” I mean “MD” and “CEO” and “founder”. They’re interchangeable. Bear with me… “Another round?” I groaned internally. Another round of...

Using emotion in business

By Will Stevens - August 20, 2015

In this the latest video from 123Conf, an event held at Google’s London headquarters earlier this month, Rob Mathers will explain how using emotion can help you build a stronger business. The...