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What’s your social media goal?

By Tim Fuell - October 18, 2014

OK you’re a convert to social media. You’ve got profiles on all the major platforms. You post regularly. You mix it up with text, pictures and videos. You re-tweet and favourite your...

Is your website running SSL v3.0?

By Thomas Costello - October 16, 2014

Earlier this week, Google announced a serious exploit which affects all webmasters and users of SSL v3.0. This security vulnerability is a serious issue because out of Alexa’s top one million domains,...

From A to xyz – The destination domain?

By Tim Fuell - October 7, 2014

You’ve heard of Generation X? (‘The lost generation’ born 1966-1976) Generation Y? (‘The millenniums’ born approx 1977-1994) and Generation Z? (1995-present). Image courtesy of Ambro – FreeDigitalPhotos.net Well, with the rise of social media...