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How to spot and avoid bad SEO agencies

By Alexandra Gavril - September 29, 2014

There are just too many small businesses out there that are getting swindled by search engine optimisation (SEO) agencies that are either crooked or completely ignorant of good SEO practices. This needs...

Great .scot ! A highland domain

By Tim Fuell - September 23, 2014

Image: franky242 via FreeDigitalPhotos.net The latest new gTLD to hit the market is the Scotland promoting .scot domain and is somewhat different from the stream of other domains that have been hitting the market. .scot is...

Digital High Street: An infographic

By Tim Fuell - September 16, 2014

The wealth of new gTLDs means the Digital High Street is definitely here. The very same shops, businesses and services that create the buzz of the physical high street in your town...