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#myworkhacks: How SMBs can get 2 hours back in your working week

By Thomas Costello - March 7, 2016

On Tuesday 8th March 2016 at 11am we are holding a live Twitter Q&A with our friends from Digital Blonde and Enterprise Nation. We have teamed up with Karen Fewell and Emma Jones to bring you a wide range of expertise on how you can save time in your week. And that’s not all! Our favourite tweet will win £100 worth of Amazon vouchers!

We will be discussing how SMBs can use technology to save time in their week as well as look at what time-saving measures small businesses are making already. Being an entrepreneur can provide huge strains on your time, so we will be offering you a wealth of tips and advice throughout the hour-long session.

How to take part

Simply tweet your question to @123reg using the hashtag #myworkhacks and make sure you are following @123reg from 11 am.

Is a lack of time holding your businesses back?

If you have answered yes to the above question then you are not alone. The majority of small business owners face huge time pressures,  holding back their growth. To this end, a recent survey conducted by YouGov on behalf of 123-reg revealed that an overwhelming 63% of business owners wanted to increase their productivity. Added to this, 59% of businesses (with no more than 2 employees), wasted 10 hours a week on administration tasks, time which could have been spent on increasing revenue and growth.

The need to save time is crucial

UK micro and small business owners are huge multi-taskers and often manage all of the company’s tasks. These range from generating new sales and managing accounts, all the way through to pay roll. Small businesses have demonstrated that they’re digitally savvy by embracing websites and social media in their millions. Now, SMBs need to think about how they can save time by embracing technology further so they can focus on the tasks that add the most value to their bottom line.

Share your #myworkhacks

So if you run your own businesses or looking to start out, then tweet us your questions, challenges or solutions at 11 am and 123-reg, Digital Blonde and Enterprise Nation will do their best to answer as many as possible!

Join the discussion from 11 am by tweeting your #myworkhacks to @123reg
