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.info is the only domain that stands for information and is therefore an excellent choice for anyone that has a passion for sharing information over the Internet.
Since the term ‘info’ is recognised in over 30 languages, this is a globally recognised extension that can make a real difference to you and your business. After all, knowledge is power.
As one of the first major gTLDs that were brought into the market, having been introduced in 2001, this extension is an excellent alternative to .com for information-based websites.
Not only can users immediately see what the address relates to (e.g. stpatricksday.info), but there are no restrictions to who can register a .info domain names either. Whether you run a blog or your own business, a .info could be exactly the domain you need to share your thoughts or information.
So, what are you waiting for? Register your .info domain name today – now available for just £3.99!*
FREE web forwarding
FREE 30-day Website Builder, then £5.99 per month
Full DNS control available via our Control Panel
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