Add a video section to my Website Builder site
Embed an existing YouTube or Vimeo video, or upload your own with a video section on your Website Builder site.
Note: YouTube Shorts are not yet supported. You'll know it's a Short by the URL format—"" followed by the unique video ID.
Note: Most browsers now prevent videos from autoplaying. So, even if your video hosting platform offers autoplay, most visitors will not receive that experience.
- Go to your 123 Reg product page.
- Scroll down, expand Website Builder and select Manage next to your website.
- Select Edit Website to open your website builder.
- Go to the page and location where you want to add your video, and add a section, searching for Video, which is under the Audio & Video category, choosing a layout and then selecting Add.
- If you have more than one image or video in your layout, select the image or video you want to change.
- If you're using a section that allows both images and videos, such as a Content or Introduction section, choose Video above the image to get to the Video menu.
- In the right panel, in the Video URL box, paste your YouTube or Vimeo link.
Note: For Vimeo links, make sure sharing is set to Public. To do this, in Vimeo, select Share and then, under Link privacy, select Public
- Personalize the Title and Video Description with text of your own, either in the right panel or on the page itself.
- When you're ready, publish your site to make the changes visible to your site's visitors.