Enable SSH on Managed WordPress
SSH is a secure method of connecting to your hosting plan to remotely manage WordPress through the WordPress Command Line Interface (WP-CLI) as well as standard Linux commands. Here's how to enable Secure Shell (SSH) for your Managed WordPress plan.
Note: SSH access is not available on Basic plans. Upgrade your Managed WordPress Basic plan to enable SSH.
- Go to your 123 Reg product page.
- On your My Products page, next to Managed WordPress, select Manage All.
- For the site you want to use, select Settings from the
- Under Production Site, find SSH/SFTP login and then select View or Change.
- Select Create New Login.
- Next to SSH, switch the toggle from Disabled to Enabled.
- Select Create New Login.
Note: This will delete your current SFTP username and password.
- Copy the SSH Command and Password for use in your SSH app, and then select Close.
Now you can connect to your Managed WordPress plan using SSH.