
Manually install an SSL certificate on my Web Hosting (cPanel) plan or VPS Hosting

Not the right server type? Go back to the list of installation instructions.

After your certificate request is approved, you can download your certificate from the SSL manager and install it on your Web Hosting (cPanel) plan.

Required: Deluxe and extended validation (EV) certificates, as well as SSLs for addon domains or subdomains must be installed manually.
  1. If you haven't done it already, download your certificate from the SSL manager and save the .crt file somewhere that's easy to find.
  2. Go to your 123 Reg My Products page.
  3. Select Web Hosting and then select Manage for the Web Hosting (cPanel) plan you're installing the SSL on.
  4. Select cPanel Admin.
  5. In the Security section, select SSL/TLS.
  6. Under Certificates (CRT), select Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates.
  7. In the Upload a New Certificate section, select Choose File and navigate to the .crt file you downloaded in step 1. Select the file and then select Open.
  8. If you want to, type a description of the certificate in the Description text box.
  9. Select Upload Certificate.
  10. When you get confirmation that the certificate has been saved, select Go Back.
  11. At the bottom of the SSL Certificates page, select Return to SSL Manager.
  12. Under Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS), select Manage SSL Sites.
  13. In the Install an SSL Website section, select Browse Certificates.
  14. Select the certificate that you want to activate and select Use Certificate. This will auto-fill the fields for the certificate.
  15. At the bottom of the page, select Install Certificate.
  16. On the Successfully Installed pop up, select OK.

Next step

  • To continue setting up the SSL certificate, you need to direct visitors to the secure version of your site by redirecting to HTTPS.