
Regain access to my domain or my 123 Reg account

Regain access to your domain or account by sumbitting an Account Recovery request. If you have access to the email address associated with your account but can't sign in, try resetting your password. You can update your domain contact info in your account if you have access.

Account Recovery is available if you do not have access to your account and:

  • You lost access to the email address listed in the account.
  • You are listed as the domain registrant of a domain in the account.

You'll need to upload a color copy of your government-issued photo identification to complete the Account Recovery process and ensure the security of the account. Specific details must be shown in your upload.

  • Must be a color copy
  • Complete name
  • Signature
  • Date of birth
  • Date of issue
  • Expiration date
  • The person pictured must be clearly identifiable
  • If a company is listed on your account, you'll need to provide business documentation for the company
Note: Articles of Incorporation and documents printed from internet websites will not be accepted.
  1. Go to the Account Recovery page.
  2. Select the access option that best fits your situation.
    • Account Access: You have lost access to the primary email address or phone number on your account.
    • Domain Access: You are listed as the Registrant on one or more domains, but do not have access to the account that contains the domain(s).
    • 2-Step Verification Access: You are not able to successfully complete the 2-step verification process to access an account you own.
  3. Follow the steps in the wizard to complete a recovery request.
  4. We'll reach out to you directly after the request is submitted.

Note: This process may be experiencing a large volume of requests. We're working diligently to respond as quickly as possible.

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