SSL Certificates Help

Rekey my certificate

Note: Managed WordPress plans come with an integrated SSL certificate.
  • The integrated SSL certificate - This SSL is automatically installed when you attach your domain. No further action is needed on your part.
  • A standalone SSL certificate - An SSL purchased separately from your Managed WordPress plan. Follow the directions in the Re-key my Managed WordPress standalone SSL certificate article.

You should re-key your SSL certificate when:

  • Before you can re-key your SSL certificate, you must generate a new certificate signing request (CSR) from your Web server. For instructions, see Generate a CSR (certificate signing request).
  • Don't revoke unless you are certain you want to cancel the existing certificate. When you revoke, the SSL credit is canceled and you can't re-key the certificate.
  • You need to download and install your new certificate within 72 hours of re-keying your certificate to keep your server secure when the old certificate is terminated.
  1. Go to your 123 Reg My Products page..
  2. Select SSL Certificates and select Manage for the certificate you want to rekey.
  3. Select Rekey your certificate.
  4. In the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) field, paste your new CSR, including ----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST---- and ----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----, and then select Add Change.
  5. Select Submit All Changes.

Your newly re-keyed certificate will become available shortly after submitting the new CSR, and we'll email you when the certificate is available.

Next steps

  • After you receive the issuance email, you need to download your newly keyed certificate.
  • You must install the SSL certificate within 72 hours of issuance to keep your server secure.

More info