SSL Certificates Help

Renewing my SSL Certificate

When your SSL certificate isn’t set to auto-renew, you have a 90-day window to purchase a renewal credit and apply it to the certificate. The window goes from 60 days before to 30 days after the expiration date.

Note: If your certificate is set to auto-renew, we will renew it 60 days prior to the certificate's expiration date. This ensures you have time to complete the verification process. Verification must occur before your certificate expires, or you risk potential disruptions to your site and business. Although you're renewing early, the renewal period starts immediately after your current subscription ends, ensuring continuity of service.

Warning: If you haven’t completed the renewal by the expiration date, your website displays an error message and won't be accessible to your visitors.

If you’re using a Domain Validation (DV) certificate with the primary domain for your account, and you’ve set the certificate to auto-renew, no further action is needed on your part. Renewing your SSL certificate is completely automated.

For all other certificates, including certificates for an add-on domain, follow these steps.

  1. Go to your 123 Reg My Products page.
  2. Select SSL Certificates and do one of the following for the certificate you want to renew:
    • If the billing for your renewal is already completed, skip to the next step.
    • If you don't have auto-renew, select Renew if you don't have auto renew. If you have auto-renew, select Renew now.
  3. Select the certificate you want to renew, select Continue to Cart, and complete the transaction for your renewal.

If this was your primary domain and your site is hosted with us, you’re done! We’ll install your renewed certificate for you. If your site is hosted with a third party or this is for an add-on domain, you need to install the renewed certificate. For help, see Manually install an SSL certificate on my server.

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