
Troubleshoot and fix missing WordPress images

When all or some of your images are no longer visible, you have a permissions problem with those files or folders. You can use the steps below to diagnose and fix permission problems.

Checking for permissions issues

  1. You can test to see if an image has permissions problems or is missing by going to the URL of the image in your browser.
  2. If you get an error trying to get to the image, it is either missing or has incorrect permissions.
  3. Before checking permissions, it's best to verify the file exists first. You can find the URL to an image from within the Media Library.
  4. Connect to your hosting using FTP.
  5. You can browse to the /wp-content folders.
  6. Linux permissions definitions—confirm the permissions are correct for the /wp-content directory.
  7. If the /wp-content folder or the files within do not have read or web visible permissions, they won't be visible and you'll need to update them.

    Note: For Windows accounts, you can only manage folder permissions.

Related Steps:

  • If setting permissions didn't make your images viewable or the image wasn't present in the folder, you should upload the image again and add it back to the page.
  • Find and replace with a WordPress plugin

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