123 Reg Support

Add secondary or alias domains to my Hosting account

Addon domains have websites hosted in separate folders that work independently of the primary domain. It isn’t recommended that you use this for more than 10 websites otherwise it will hamper their overall performance.

Alias domains display the primary domain’s website with a different domain name/URL.

Adding these domains to your Hosting account can be done by following the instructions outlined below.

Please note: this process applies to Web Hosting plans purchased after July 2020 and Premium Hosting plans purchased after August 2020 (cPanel).


Addon Domains

Step 1 of 4

Start by accessing your Web Hosting dashboard.


Step 2 of 4

On your dashboard, select the cPanel Admin button that appears above Settings.


Step 3 of 4

Select Addon Domains from the Domains section.


Step 4 of 4

On the next page, you’ll need to fill in the following fields:

  • New Domain Name: enter your domain name
  • Subdomain/FTP Username: enter your FTP username
  • Document Root: enter the directory name you want to create. You’ll upload the New Domain Name’s files to this directory to make its website display.
  • Password: enter your FTP password

Once done, click Add Domain to complete the process.


Alias Domains

Step 1 of 3

From your Hosting dashboard, select the cPanel Admin button above Settings.


Step 2 of 3

Select Aliases from the Domains section.


Step 3 of 3

Enter your hosting account’s primary domain and select Add Domain.


In order for the domain name to access your hosting account, you must also update its DNS settings.

If the domain is in the same 123 Reg account as the hosting account though, you won’t need to do anything as we’ll automatically update the domain’s DNS records.