123 Reg Support

Change PHP upload limits for my Hosting account

By changing the upload limit, it means that any large files you try to upload won’t be rejected by the server. However, it may still get rejected due to slow upload speeds or from maxing out your account resources.

If you want to change the default PHP upload limit for your Hosting account (32MB), simply follow the instructions detailed below.

Please note: this process applies to Web Hosting plans purchased after July 2020 and Premium Hosting plans purchased after August 2020 (cPanel).

Step 1 of 7

Start by accessing your Web Hosting dashboard.


Step 2 of 7

On your dashboard, select the cPanel Admin button that appears above Settings.


Step 3 of 7

Choose Select PHP Version under the Software heading on the Home page.


Step 4 of 7

You’ll be taken to the PHP Extensions page. Select Options in the header above.


Step 5 of 7

You’ll then be taken to the PHP Options page. From there, select the value that appears for upload_max_filesize and choose a new value from the menu.


Step 6 of 7

Next, select the value that appears for post_max_size and choose a new value from the menu.


Step 7 of 7

These changes will be saved automatically, although you can restore them back to the default setting by selecting the option Reset to default that appears below each option.