123 Reg Support

Common HTTP error codes

When you receive a page error, it will be displayed as a three-digit number, with each one having a different meaning.

Here’s a quick rundown of what each error means and what you can do to resolve it:

400 — Bad Request

This is a more technical issue that is often caused by programming problems, as it means that the request you sent to the website server, such as a request to load a web page, was incorrect or corrupted and the server couldn’t understand it.

As such, if you experience this error with our hosting package, you’ll need to contact our support team.

401 — Authentication Required

This error means that you need to enter a username and password to access this page.

403 — Forbidden

This error occurs when you attempt to access a directory, file or script without the appropriate permissions. An empty directory or lack of an index page can also cause this error.

404 — Not Found

This error occurs if visitors enter a URL that doesn’t exist, which could be due to missing files, defunct redirects or invalid URLs.

500 — Internal Server Error

This is a generic error message that means there’s an issue occurred on the web server but it can’t provide any specific details. This is usually caused by invalid .htaccess file or rules laid out within them.