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How do I change the maximum file upload size in WordPress?

This article will show you how to change the max upload size in WordPress.

All our WordPress plans come with a maximum file upload size of 100MB. Although this will allow you to upload most videos and images, you may wish to increase this limit so that you can upload a more elaborate animation or showreel to your site.

Simply choose one of the following options below to see how you can increase your WordPress upload limit:

Update your settings (Multisite only)

With our Multisite packages, you can adjust your upload limit by hovering your cursor over Settings in the left-hand menu and then choosing Network Settings from the menu that appears.

From there, you can increase your WordPress max upload size by changing the value within the provided field.

Install a plugin (Single Site only)

With our Single Site packages, you’ll need to install a plugin to change the max upload limit.

Step 1 of 4

Start by installing and activating the plugin WP Maximum Upload File Size.


Step 2 of 4

From there, hover your cursor over Media within the left-hand menu, and then select Increase Upload Limit.


Step 3 of 4

On the next page, simply update the values within the provided fields and then click Save Changes to implement them.


Step 4 of 4

When you return to the Upload New Media page, you’ll see that your maximum upload file size has increased.