123 Reg Support

How do I create an autoresponder?

This article will show you how to set up an autoresponder on your hosting package.

Autoresponders are an excellent way of sending automatic messages to your customer base. For example, if a customer signs up to your mailing list, you could use autoresponders to immediately send them a welcome email, followed by an exclusive offer one week later.

To create an autoresponder, simply follow the instructions outlined below.

Please note: the following steps only apply to Web Hosting plans purchased after July 2020 and Premium Hosting plans purchased after August 2020 (cPanel)

Step 1 of 5

Start by accessing your Hosting dashboard.


Step 2 of 5

On your dashboard, select the cPanel Admin button that appears above Settings.


Step 3 of 5

Next, select Autoresponders within the Email section.


Step 4 of 5

On the next page, select Add Autoresponder.


Step 5 of 5

Enter the following information into the provided fields:

  • Character Set: leave this as utf-8
  • Interval: set how long the response time should be
  • Email: enter the first part of your email address, such as ‘no-reply’
  • Domain: choose the domain you want to use as the basis for your address
  • From: enter the standard ‘From’ name that will appear on your emails
  • Subject: enter the standard subject line that will appear on your emails
  • Body: enter the default body text that will appear in your emails

Once done, click Create to complete the process.