How do I make changes to my files?

This article will show you how to make changes to files within your Hosting package.

Simply click on a title below to skip to the most appropriate FAQ. You can also click the Top button to return and make another selection.

Web Hosting plans purchased after July 2020 / Premium Hosting plans purchased after August 2020 (cPanel)

Step 1 of 4

Start by accessing your Web Hosting dashboard.


Step 2 of 4

Select File Manager in the account dashboard.


Step 3 of 4

Locate the file you wish to edit and select it. Once done, click Edit in the navbar.



Step 4 of 4

Once you’ve made the changes, click Edit to confirm them.

Save Changes


Web Hosting plans purchased before July 2020 / Premium Hosting plans purchased before August 2020

How do I change a file title?

Step 1 of 7

Start by logging in to your legacy Control Panel. For details on how to do this, please read the following article: How do I access and manage my products?

Step 2 of 7

From there, select Web Hosting or Premium Hosting within the ‘Manage active products’ section, depending on which product you wish to use.

Next, select Manage opposite the ‘(bought before XX/XX/XX)’ option.

Manage Shared Web Hosting


Step 3 of 7

This will show you an overview of your current hosting packages. Click Manage for the account you wish to use.

Manage Legacy hosting


Step 4 of 7

On the next page, select Manage for the domain you wish to update.

Manage hosting domain


Step 5 of 7

Scroll down to the Files section and click the File Manager button.


Step 6 of 7

From the File Manager, navigate to the file you wish to rename, and click on the Rename button.


Step 7 of 7

Enter your desired file name and click the Ok button to confirm the change.


How do I change a file’s contents?

Step 1 of 7

Start by logging in to your legacy Control Panel. For details on how to do this, please read the following article: How do I access and manage my products?

Step 2 of 7

From there, select Web Hosting or Premium Hosting within the ‘Manage active products’ section, depending on which product you wish to use.

Next, select Manage opposite the ‘(bought before XX/XX/XX)’ option.

Manage Shared Web Hosting


Step 3 of 7

This will show you an overview of your current hosting packages. Click Manage for the account you wish to use.

Manage Legacy hosting


Step 4 of 7

On the next page, select Manage for the domain you wish to update.

Manage hosting domain


Step 5 of 7

Scroll down to the Files section and click the File Manager button.


Step 6 of 7

From the File Manager, navigate to the file you wish to edit, and click on the Edit button to access the file editor.


Step 7 of 7

You can enter the contents of the file within the text box shown. Use the Save button to Save your progress, and when complete, use the Save and Close button.