Domains Help

How do I point my domain to 123 Reg hosting?

This article will help you to point your domain name to your hosting package.

After you’ve added a domain to your hosting package, you will need to point it to this service before you can access the website your domain is hosting.

If your domain is registered with 123 Reg, it will automatically point to your hosting package once it has been added, so you won’t need to do anything else.

If your domain is registered with a third-party, you will need to point it to your hosting package via your nameserver provider. You will need your hosting package’s IP address to complete this. If you’re not sure where to find this, please read the following article: Configuring DNS for your Web Hosting (cPanel) domain

Please note: it can take between 24 – 48 hours for any DNS changes to propagate across the internet.