This article will show you how to create a MySQL or Microsoft SQL Database on your Windows Shared Hosting package with Plesk.
Start by logging in to your 123 Reg Control Panel.
From there, select Web Hosting within the ‘Manage active products’ section. Next, select Manage opposite Manage Windows Hosting.
You will see an overview of your hosting package. Click on the Manage button in the top right of the window.
Click on ‘Web Hosting with Plesk’.
Then click on the Plesk Admin button.
In the Plesk control panel, click on Databases to access the database management page.
On the database management page, click on the Add Database button to create a new database.
In the General section, you will first need to enter a name for your database.
For the database server from the drop-down menu, you will need to select MySQL or MS SQL depending on the type of database you wish to create.
From the ‘Related site’ drop-down menu, you can select a website on which the database will be used.
In the Users section, to associate a user with your database, you will need to check the Create a database user checkbox.
Enter a username, enter or generate a password and click OK.