123 Reg Support

How do I change the PHP version within my hosting package?

This article will show you how to change the PHP version for your hosting package.

If you are running PHP scripts, you can easily change the PHP version that your 123 Reg Hosting package is using. You can do this straight from your Hosting control panel.

Simply click on a title below to skip to the most appropriate FAQ. You can also click the Top button to return and make another selection.

If you have a Managed WordPress Hosting package, please follow the instructions outlined in the following article: How do I change my PHP version within Managed WordPress?

Web Hosting (purchased after July 2020) OR Premium Hosting (purchased after August 2020)

Step 1 of 6

Start by accessing your Hosting dashboard.


Step 2 of 6

From there, select Server within the Settings box.


Step 3 of 6

Next, select Manage opposite your PHP version.


Step 4 of 6

A pop-up window will now appear where you can choose which version of PHP you want your hosting package to use from the provided menu.


Step 5 of 6

Once you’ve chosen a PHP version, you’ll need to confirm your choice by entering update into the provided field and then click Save changes.

Please note: the word update must be in lower-case.


Step 6 of 6

After a few moments, your changes will be saved.

Web Hosting (purchased before July 2020) OR Premium Hosting (purchased before August 2020)

Step 1 of 6

Start by logging in to your legacy Control Panel. For details on how to do this, please read the following article: How do I access and manage my products?

Step 2 of 6

From there, select Web Hosting within the ‘Manage active products’ section and then select Manage opposite ‘Manage Web Hosting (bought before 07/07/20)’.


Step 3 of 6

This will show you an overview of your current hosting packages. Click Manage for the account you wish to use.


Step 4 of 6

On the next page, select Manage for the domain you wish to update.


Step 5 of 6

Click on the Switch PHP Version option in the Web Tools section.

Step 6 of 6

From here you can choose versions starting from PHP 5.6 up to PHP 7.2.

Please note: The 123 Reg Hosting packages purchased after 30/03/2015 also support PHP 7.3 and the ones before, PHP 7.0, which may not be available yet to select from the Control Panel. In order to enable PHP 7.3 (or 7.0 on the older packages) simply add the following line to the .htaccess file in your public_html folder:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-phpXX .php

Replace XX with the version number you’d like to use.

So, for PHP 7.3, use:
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php73 .php

Or, for version 7.0, use:
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php70 .php