Which WordPress plugins are blocklisted by 123 Reg?
This article will list all the WordPress plugins that are blocklisted by 123 Reg
Although there are more than 56,000 WordPress plugins available, there are some that we have blocklisted due to a variety of reasons:
- They are no longer necessary
- They interfere with our product’s settings
- They no longer receive updates
- They may negatively affect your website’s performance
As such, they cannot be installed into your site and will be removed if they’re detected on your account. However, in some instances, we have only blocklisted a particular version of a plugin as the newer version has been corrected and updated.
To find out more, simply select a section below to see exactly which plugins have been blocklisted:
The following plugins have been blocklisted because our WordPress plans come with automated backups included:
- 6scan-backup
- ezpz-one-click-backup
- the-codetree-backup
- updraft
- wponlinebackup
Should you wish to backup your site whenever you want, we recommend using either WP-DB-Backup or WP-DBManager.
The following plugins have been blocklisted because our WordPress plans come with caching included:
- w3-total-cache
- wp-cache
- wp-cachecom
- wp-fast-cache
- wp-fastest-cache
- wp-file-cache
- wp-super-cache
Duplicate Services
The following plugins have been blocklisted because they replicate certain important functions within our WordPress plans:
- 6scan-protection
- adminer
- portable-phpmyadmin
- wordpress-gzip-compression
- wp-phpmyadmin
The following plugins have been blocklisted as they negatively affect the performance of large websites:
- adsense-click-fraud-monitoring
- broken-link-checker
- google-sitemap-generator (version 4.0 and older)
- google-xml-sitemaps-with-multisite-support
Should you wish to set up your own sitemap, we recommend using Google Sitemap or WordPress SEO.
Related Posts
The following plugins have been blocklisted as they increase your site’s database load by using ineffective queries as well as poor caching or scaling:
- contextual-related-posts
- fuzzy-seo-booster
- seo-alrp
- similar-posts
- wordpress-popular-posts (versions 3.1.1 and older)
- yet-another-featured-posts-plugin
- yet-another-related-posts-plugin
The following plugins have been blocklisted as they have known vulnerability issues:
- clef
- InfiniteWP Client (versions 1.3.8 and older)
- NextGEN Gallery (versions 3.2.10 and older)
- MailPoet (versions 2.6.6 and older)
- Pipdig Power Pack (versions 4.7.3 and older)
- slick-popup (versions 1.7.1 and older)
- toolspack
- wp-copysafe-web
- wp-copysafe-pdf
- wp-database-backup (versions 5.1 and older)
- wp-live-chatsupport (versions 8.0.33 and older)
- Real-time Find and Replace (versions 3.9 and older)
The following plugins have been blocklisted as they affect your site’s performance by sending multiple requests to your database and preventing caching from occurring:
- jr-referrer
- referrer-wp
- statpress
- wp-postviews
- wp-power-stats
- wp-slimstat
Should you wish to use a service that will record your website’s stats, we recommend using Google Analytics or Jetpack.
Unnecessary Plugins
The following plugins have been blocklisted because they no longer receive updates, are no longer needed or may not work correctly:
- Hello Dolly
- p3-profiler
- sgcachepress
- synthesis
- wordpress-beta-tester
- wp-engine-snapshot
- wpengine-common