Why is my website not appearing in search engines?
For your site to appear on search engines, you need to submit it to them. If you wish to submit your site to search engines there are many free services available to do so, and the best way to make sure you get added to the search engines you want is to do it directly with the search engine them selves.
Below are a series of links** which will show you how to submit with certain search engines:
Yahoo! UK – Suggest a Site – The Yahoo suggest a site function is now powered by Bing:
Google UK – Submit URL:
whatUseek – Submit a Site:
You will find that a lot of other search engines use Google (such as AOL) or Yahoo (such as altavista), so if you submit to Google and Yahoo you will cover a large number of search engines.
**The links provided are for information purposes only and are correct at the time of research. Please be aware that using these links may bind you in part or in full by the provider’s terms and conditions so it is recommended you read all provided material before continuing with their services.
You may also wish to look at the 123 Reg InstantTraffic package. InstantTraffic uses real-time search engine data and analysis tools to get your site listed and let you know how it’s performing against similar websites.